As Jesus and His disciples were on their way, He came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to Him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10: 38-42
We shame Martha for her frustration. I often hear the “don't be like Martha, but be like Mary”… But there was good in Martha… Mary wouldn’t have sat at Jesus' feet if Martha wouldn’t have opened the doors of her home in the first place! Martha welcomed Jesus into her home! She was outgoing! She was a go-getter! Her intentions were to host Jesus . Her intention was for Jesus to feel welcomed and at home. She wanted to get it done. I love Martha, I relate to Martha, I also feel compassion for Martha…… You see, there was nothing wrong with Martha wanting to prepare this dinner for Jesus, but what was not pleasing to Jesus was that she just went about her business instead of being still.
Yes, she opened the door and welcomed Him in and then went about her preparations… and what's interesting is that Jesus didn’t say anything until she started complaining and letting out her frustrations …
God won’t call you out until you go to Him!
We go around complaining, frustrated, stressed out… and we wonder what the heck is happening then we sit at Jesus’ feet and we’re like oops…
She did not stop! She was distracted - that’s what happens when we’re distracted … we go go go go and don’t stop and then we wonder why we feel frustrated!
I’ve been in a season of frustration… I find myself often asking God why this why that! Frustrated with people, situations, unfairness! I’m telling you. I can be Martha! But the Lord has shaped my heart to look at Mary and learn from her posture of surrender!
That was the difference between Mary and Martha - Mary surrendered at the feet of Jesus … "Jesus, I NEED YOU TO HAVE IT ALL!" The one thing she discovered is that being at the feet of Jesus is far more important than anything else.
I love Martha! I still want to get it done … but I love Mary too! Her humble heart of NOTHING MATTERS RIGHT NOW BUT JESUS!
That is the type of posture Jesus wants us to have everyday! NOTHING BUT JESUS!
This passage talks more about Martha than Mary … (I wish we knew more about Mary – I am sure she wasn't perfect lol) But here’s the thing … Jesus only cared about the posture of her heart.
Mary - surrendered at Jesus' feet listening and in a posture of worship and in awe of Him.
Martha and the Pharisees had something in common: they were both concerned about all the other things…
Mary and Jesus had something in common: they made the main thing the main thing…
They surrendered! They did not worry about anything else but God’s voice!
Our Heavenly Father is inviting us to surrender every single morning! First things first! He wants to surrender, to listen, to run away from the noise! If the devil can’t make you sin he will make you busy! God wants us to remain at His feet!
Here's something practical you can do if you are currently struggling with having a posture of surrender:
Wake up 30 minutes earlier, go into a space with minimum distractions, leave your phone behind, you can grab some water or coffee to help you stay awake. Grab a piece of paper and name it a "brain dump". In this brain dump, I want you to write everything that's in your mind that is taking up all your peace. Things that are holding you back from resting your mind and thoughts in Him. All the to-do lists, the worries, the thoughts… Let it out of your system. Then, write your prayers down. This usually helps me stay focused in what I am praying about. I also play worship music and take the time to worship Him.